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NSW School of Languages

NSW School of Languages

Learn locally. Communicate globally.

Telephone02 9381 4800


Moodle Orientation module


This Orientation module is for students enrolled in a Moodle languages course and consists of 6 steps:

Step 1

Download the School Guide (PDF 498 KB) and Moodle Guide (PDF 532 KB). Read these guides carefully as they contain answers to many questions you may have about our E-learning site. Keep these guides in your folder or on your computer for future reference.

Step 2

Download the technology related policies and information package (PDF 411 KB). Read this information carefully as the agreement you sign in step 3 below is based on your reading and understanding of this document.

Step 3

Download the NSL Acceptable Use of Digital Technologies Agreement (PDF 136 KB). Read the agreement and then agree to the terms and conditions on page 2. Then ask your parent/carer to also agree to the terms and conditions on page 2. Save the document and email it to your teacher once you have his/her email address.

Step 4

Download the new Student Questionnaire (Word 19 KB). Type in your answers to this questionnaire on your computer. Save the document and then email it to your teacher once you have his/her email address.

Step 5

Cybersafety and digital citizenship information.

Download and read the Cybersmart Guide for Families (PDF 863 KB). Go to the Digital Citizenship website. Select students from the menu and explore the games and videos sections to learn more about digital citizenship.

Step 6

View the introduction to Moodle video YouTube.