The Student Award System has been implemented to recognise student participation, to celebrate student achievement and to encourage ongoing commitment.
Internal awards
The following list of NSL Awards may be presented to students at different times of the year.
External awards
The following awards are presented to final year students at Presentation Day or posted to schools for home school Presentation Days who fulfil the awards' requirements.
Ampol Best All Rounder Award
As suggested by Ampol this award recognises qualities that include:
- leadership - is a role model for other students
- service and community - participates fully in school and community activities
- sport - represents the school without necessarily being a champion
- arts and culture
- attitude - willing to help others; makes selfless contributions
- personal conduct - exemplary at all times.
This award is open to students enrolled in Year 12. For more information on the Ampol Best All Rounder Award visit the Ampol website.
ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership & Teamwork Award
This award is presented to students who meet the criteria based on the values upheld by the Australian Defence Force and developed in conjunction with Australian schools and the wider community.
This award recognises students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both the school and the broader community and who display strong values such as doing one's best, respect for others and "mateship", values that are considered integral to both the ADF and Australian society.
Selection criteria includes but is not limited to:
- leadership
- teamwork
- values
- problem solving
- resourcefulness
- communication
- co-operation
- community involvement.
The award is open to students enrolled in Years 10 and 12. For more information visit the ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership & Teamwork Awards website.
Ruben F. Scarf Awards
This award is presented at Presentation Day or posted to schools for home school Presentation Days to students who fulfil the following requirements as suggested by the Reuben F. Scarf Memorial Foundation:
• commitment to studies
• dedication to improvement
This award is open to students enrolled in Year 11.