Knowledge of one or more foreign languages can be useful in a wide range of careers and, in the 21st century, knowledge of a language besides English can enhance an individual's career opportunities.
With the increasingly global marketplace and Australia's growing involvement in international business, the importance of foreign languages to Australia in nearly every kind of occupation is evident. Foreign language specialists help break the communication barriers in areas as diverse as international diplomacy, trade, import/export, international finance, stock markets, health, hospitality and retail, and foreign negotiations. Many employers actively seek potential employees with second language skills in addition to their area of expertise since their company or organisation constantly needs to communicate with speakers of other languages
Languages provide great career opportunities
Types of careers
The following list gives some examples of various careers and jobs in which the knowledge of foreign language is either essential or highly useful, and could possibly be a condition of employment.
Arts and media
- Artist
- International Art Dealer
- International Art Historian
- Musician
- Fashion Industry jobs
- Marketing
- Advertising
- Publishing companies
- Journalists, including foreign correspondents and travel writers
- Recording Specialists
- Fashion Buyer
- Photographer
- Film production and entertainment media
- FilmmakerÂ
- Foreign Correspondent
- Foreign News Photographer
- International Communications
- International Radio Correspondent
- Media Specialist
- Translator of books, articles, and review
- Bilingual Clerks
- Business Executives
- Finance Director
- Financial Planning Associate
- Importer/Exporter
- Income Tax Consultants
- International Account Manager
- International Agency Staff
- International Business Manager
- International Buyer
- International Consultant
- International Lawyer
- International Sales Representative
- International Trade Economist
- International Trade Specialist
- Market Researcher
- Multilingual Port Receptionist
- Overseas Personnel Manager
- Overseas Plant Manager
- Paralegal
- Patent Attorney
- Personnel Manager
- Production Supervisor
- Public Relations Expert
- Quality Control Supervisor
- Specialists for Import/Export firms
- Transport Equipment Manager
- Representative for Foreign Companies
- International Banking and Finance settlements and transactions.
- Recruitment Personnel
- Import/Export sales representative
- Representatives in Foreign Companies
- Global banking, accounting and finance
- Bilingual Educator
- Foreign Student Advisor
- Overseas teaching for private corporations
- Overseas teaching for diplomats' families
- Professor
- TESOL/ESL Teacher
- Textbook author or editor
- University comparative literature department
- University foreign language department
- University foreign study office
- University linguistics department
- University school of education
- Interpreter in an embassy, consulate, social services
- Translating services including websites, subtitles, books
- Sports coach
- Accountant in ethnic communities
- Bilingual Teller
- Banking Correspondent
- Bank Officer
- International Banking Officer
- International Finance Consultant
- Various jobs in banks and insurance companies
- Bilingual staff in Government Agencies
- Court Interpreter
- Cultural Attaché
- Cultural Officer
- Customs Official
- Customs/Immigration Officer
- Diplomatic Corps
- Foreign Consul
- Foreign Diplomat
- Foreign Exchange Trader
- Foreign Service Officer
- Foreign Service Peacekeeping
- Intelligence Officer
- Intelligence Researcher
- Intelligence Specialist
- Interpreter
- Linguist
- National Security Agent
- Negotiator
- UNESCO Official
- International non-profit organisations
- Department of Defence and International Embassies
- Aid agency worker
- Government/ Non-Government Organisations
- Armed Services
- Botanical Medicine Specialist
- Doctors working with minority populations
- Emergency Medicine
- Health Services
- Hospital Management
- Laboratory Technician
- Nurses working with minority populations
- Nursing and Medicine in Ethnic Communities
- Pharmaceutical
- Studying or practicing medicine overseas
- Tropical Disease Specialist
- Archaeologist
- Museum Curator
- Researcher
- Scientific Interpreter
- Scientific Linguist
- Scientific research and translating
- Scientific Translator
- Cultural Advisor
Social services
- Bilingual or Multilingual Police Officer
- Bilingual or Multilingual Social Worker
- Case Worker
- Civil Service Employee
- Court Interpreter
- Foreign Social Worker
- Human Resources Director
- Immigration Counsellor
- International Police Officer
- Law Enforcement Officer
- Multilingual Defence Attorneys
- Nursing in ethnic communities
- Public Assistance Interviewer
- Social Work Specialist
- Health Services
- Social services
- Immigration services
Travel services
- Flight Attendants
- Airport Personnel
- Foreign Travel Advisor
- Hotel and Resort Staff Manager
- International Conference Planner
- Restaurant Staff Manager
- Tourist Guide
- Travel Agent
- Travel Writer
- Hotel/Resort Management