NSW School of Languages

Learn locally. Communicate globally.

Telephone02 9381 4800


Student wellbeing resources

A list of Wellbeing support services can be found below.


If you are in a situation where you need immediate and urgent assistance, contact mental health or emergency services on:

Triple Zero Service I 000

Lifeline I 13 11 14 

Suicide Call Back Service I 1300 659 467

Kids Helpline I 1800 55 1800

Mental health and community support

Mental health and community support services for children, young people, families, carers and educators:

Beyond Blue I 24/7 mental health support service (1300 22 4636)

headspace I Online support and counselling for young people (1800 650 890)

1800RESPECT I 24/7 support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence and abuse (1800 737 732)

MensLine Australia I 24/7 counselling service for men (1300 78 99 78)

QLife I LGBTI peer and online support and referral (1800 184 527)

The Butterfly Foundation I Support service for eating disorders (1800 334 673)

SANE Australia I Online and referral support for people with complex mental health issues (1800 187 263)

The Gender Centre Inc I Services and information for gender-diverse people, their families and friends in NSW (9519 7599)

Black Dog Institute I Mental health research, resources and support

Reach Out I Online mental health service for young people and their parents