NSW School of Languages

Learn locally. Communicate globally.

Telephone02 9381 4800


About our school FAQ

Frequently asked questions

About our school

Some of the frequently asked questions about our school are listed here. If they don't answer your questions please contact us.

NSW School of Languages is a NSW Department of Education School. We are a single-course provider for NSW and ACT students enrolled in Years 9 to 12 government and non-government schools who need to study a language via distance education.

Applications can be submitted for students whose home school cannot provide a specific language course. The home school can apply for single course access via Distance Education and supervise the student's learning. Go to the Enrolment page for more details.

Go to the Enrolment page and read the important enrolment information. Download the application form corresponding to the course required. All single course applications must come from the Principal at the student's home school. Applications should be submitted through the home school by the due date.

Applications should be submitted as soon as possible, from the beginning of Term 3 until the second week of November to ensure a timely start date.

NSW School of Languages is open from 8:30am to 3:30pm on weekdays (except school holidays and public holidays). We follow the prescribed term and holiday dates for NSW government schools as required by the DoE.

Students follow a course schedule with all lessons accessed online via NSW School of Language’s online platform. Students participate in weekly online speaking lessons with their teacher. These lessons are mandatory. Students are invited to attend lesson days at NSW School of Languages once per term.

Each student will use their Department of Education email to access course material. Non-government school students will be provided with a Department of Education email. All communication and course work will be via this email. It is essential students monitor this email.

A username and password, along with step by step instructions on how to access their online materials, are sent to students via email from their teacher.

Parents and Carers FAQ

Teachers are allocated 15-20 minutes for Years 9-10 students and up to 30 minutes for Years 11-12 students.

It is not always possible to re-schedule a lesson to another time as teachers have a schedule of lessons to facilitate. The best way for the student to stay up to date is to record their audio responses for the missed lesson and submit to the teacher for marking.

Students should be able to access MS Teams through the browser. If not, the home school Supervisor should be contacted to support the student to access the weekly speaking lessons via TEAMS.

Sample assessments are included in most of the online courses. Teachers will direct students to these prior to assessments. Students can ask their teachers for additional support.

It is a full day (9:30am to 2:30pm) of explicit teaching of language, revision of work covered in the course, cultural and group activities and assessment preparation. Students will have the opportunity to collaborate with other students in the course.

You should forward any approved leave to NSW School of Languages and check if the dates clash with scheduled assessments. If so, Change of Date will need to be applied for.

Progress reports are issued twice a year. NSW School of Languages will email the report to the parent/carer and the home school. Reports can also be accessed via the DEMS parent portal.

The Year 11 Yearly reports and Year 12 reports indicate assessment marks and ranks.

Students need to be eligible according to the NESA eligibility rules. Please contact the Enrolments Office. enrolments.nswsol@det.nsw.edu.au

HSC oral exams take places in various exam centres close to your home school. HSC written exams take place in the students home schools.


An alternate date to the parent/carer interviews can be arranged with your child's teacher directly.

The school sends one email to explain the process. Another email is autogenerated from DEMS with log in details. Please check inbox and Junk/Spam folders. Ensure that you access the portal on a computer device or laptop. The system is not currently designed to be accessed via mobile phones. If you haven't received the details, please contact the school on 9381 4800.

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