Course overview
Stage 6 (Years 11 & 12)
Stage 6 EAL/D (English as an Additional Language or Dialect, previously called ESL) is available to students in regional and rural government secondary schools.
- After confirming their email address, students are given access with a username and password to the Canvas courses in the NSW School of Languages (NSL) e-learning site.
- The course has been purpose written for Stage 6 EAL/D and is an ATAR course. It includes interesting and interactive materials with a variety of activities, while offering ample exam preparation and practice.
- Students share an interactive document with their teacher to enable simultaneous feedback and development of student written work during class time.
- Students also complete online activities and written tasks, which are then uploaded, marked by their teacher, and returned online for quick feedback.
- Students are taught via face-to-face online lessons lessons, according to what is available at the home school. Telephone lessons are also sometimes used for extra support.
- Students receive 2 lessons per week (45-50 minutes each) either individually or in small groups.
- Students are required to work independently in their non-contact periods for EAL/D at school.
- Regular completion of homework tasks is part of the course progression, as with other subjects.
Year 11 EAL/D course content
Term 1
Module A: Language and Texts in Context – a selection of short texts covering a range of text types and topics.
Term 2
Module B: Close Study of Text – film 'Rabbit-Proof Fence', directed by Phillip Noyce.
Term 3
Module C: Texts and Society – Students create and examine a variety of written and visual texts, which are relevant and practical in daily life.
Terms 1, 2 and 3
Focus on Writing – Studied concurrently throughout the year. Students create a range of texts, related to whichever module they are studying, for different purposes, audiences and context. These may include creative, persuasive, informative and discursive texts.
Listening – Students work through a purpose written booklet of activities and explanations of listening techniques and analysis, accompanied by practice listening tasks.
Year 12 EAL/D course content
Term 4
Module A: Texts and Human Experiences – Selected poetry of Oodgeroo Noonuccal.
Term 1
Module B: Language, Identity and Culture – media film – ‘Reindeer in my Saami Heart’ by Janet Merewether.
Term 2
Module C: Close Study of Text - prose fiction novel - ‘The Namesake’ by Jhumpa Lahiri.
Term 3
Revision program covering all modules, including Listening and Focus on Writing.
Terms 4,1,2,3
Focus on Writing – Studied concurrently throughout the year. Students create a range of texts, related to whichever module they are studying, for different purposes, audiences and context. These include creative, persuasive, informative and discursive texts.
Listening – Students work through a purpose written booklet of activities and explanations of listening techniques and analysis, accompanied by practice listening tasks.
Course materials
Course materials are provided by NSW School of Languages. Course booklets are supplied to the home school and printed by the home school for the student/s.
Below is a brief list of requirements for the principal to consider before he/she enrols a student in the Stage 6 English (EAL/D) course.
- The student has been educated in English for 5 years or less prior to Year 11 or the student is a refugee and/or has had interrupted schooling. Any student seeking entry to the course must fill in the English EAL/D Declaration form in their home school and have it signed by their principal. This form needs to be submitted with their application form.
- The home school can provide a supervising teacher, who is familiar with the English EAL/D syllabus to support the student.
- The home school can provide online lessons through TEAMS, print course booklets in colour for the student and provide the student with a laptop or desktop computer, and a quiet space to participate in lessons twice a week.
- The student is capable of independent study.
- It is also recommended that a student has completed the New Arrivals Program or has received some instruction in English before doing this course.
Year 11 textbooks
- Home schools are asked to provide their student(s) with access to the film ‘Rabbit-Proof Fence’, either through their school library, English Department, ClickView or to purchase.
Year 12 textbooks
- The Equity Resources Centre provides copies of the novel ‘The Namesake’, or the home school can purchase a copy of the novel.
- Home schools are asked to purchase a copy of the DVD of ‘The Namesake’ (available on eBay).
- Students can access the film ‘Reindeer in my Saami Heart’, through ClickView. If the home school does not have a subscription to ClickView they will need to contact NSL. Schools may also purchase a copy of the DVD.
All students should have a comprehensive language dictionary. Please consult the EAL/D faculty for advice regarding dictionaries.
Syllabus (from NESA)
Go to the NESA Stage 6 English (EAL/D) syllabus for more information on the syllabus.